Evangeline’s 2021 Graduates are a Story of Hope
This past Saturday the Evangeline life skills course held its graduation ceremony at Chasmay Campus. The traditional hand-made garments modelled proudly by the graduates oozed authentic flamboyance. On the day, we felt winds of change and hope flood the campus for these young women and men who have gained vital skills that will help shape their future.
The graduates were each presented with a certificate of achievement and for many, this was the first certificate that they had ever received in their lives. For these students, the self-confidence and skills gained during the course has laid a foundation to create a new destiny for themselves.
“I never thought I would be able to sew. When I first held the needle, I thought there was no ways I could do this. I was told to come back to class the next day and I did – with no previous skills I had little to no confidence in myself. Today I am wearing a dress that I made and I’m still in disbelief. This course has introduced me to the most wonderful people, and I can go out into the world and have faith in myself and for my family’s future because I know I can do anything I set my mind to.”
– Dunyiswua Baleni – Evangeline Graduate 2021
Inspiration, Upliftment and Celebration
As Wendy Ryan the founder of Evangeline stated on Saturday morning “This day is about them – the graduates who have worked their fingers to the bone. Today, we celebrate you and your achievements.”
“Started in 2006 the programme is more popular than ever before. I believe it is the combination of skills, fun and hard work we offer that sees us expanding every year.”
– Wendy Ryan
The Evangeline Life Skills course proudly donates a sewing machine to each graduating student on completion of the course. The students enter the programme with no clue about patterns, cutting and sewing. Come graduation day, wearing the traditional outfit they have made themselves, we see an upliftment in spirit that shines through on their faces. It’s a moment we can’t even begin to capture through a lens, but it warms our hearts, and we can see how much this moment means to these students by their bright smiles.
Sewing the Seeds of Success at The Sewing Café
Some of the graduates from Evangeline go on to advanced sewing classes, where they learn how to operate industrial sewing machines. The Sewing Café works closely with Evangeline and employs two full time staff that have come through the course.
Seven previous students are also called upon as needed by The Sewing Café – this partnership is putting food on the table for people from the community. The course has helped many graduates reach new heights with some starting their own businesses and producing the most amazing sewing work Cape Town has to offer.
When you support education and life skills training provided by Masicorp – you are empowering people and helping them help themselves change their future. Like the old proverb states: when you teach someone to fish – you feed them for life. That is at the core of everything we do. We help people by giving them the tools they need to be the change they want to see in the world. With the right support structures in place, they add to the community, breaking the chains of poverty and ending a cycle of desperation for people living in Masiphumelele. Be a part of the solution – donate here.