The spirit of giving on Mandela Day

The spirit of giving on Mandela Day

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On 18th July 2019, Masicorp joined South Africa in celebrating the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela through a day of thoughtful giving and action. The aim of this special day is for people everywhere to celebrate Madiba’s birthday by acting on the idea that each person has the power to change the world. Individuals and companies identify a cause they are passionate about and find a way to make an impact, no matter how big or small, by spending 67 minutes of giving back to their communities.

At Masicorp we were fortunate to have been joined by organizations and individuals eager to give back to the community of Masiphumelele by spending their Mandela Day visiting and volunteering in our projects. 

The Unlimited Child was kind enough to donate books which were distributed to 17 informal creches who benefit from our Stay and Play programme. Charisse Louw and Kathleen Dyason volunteered their time to help our Stay and Play team deliver the books and blankets (donated by the Constantia Catholic Church) to these 17 informal creches. The teachers at the creches expressed their gratitude for the colourful new books and warm blankets.

mandela day 1


Some donated books for older learners were also added to the new library at the English Hub at Ukhanyo Primary School. Since it was established, this library has been growing substantially with over 70 books being borrowed by the learners every day. Every donation of books helps the library grow and provides a space for the children to read and learn. Thank you to all who have given so generously!


e-classroomWe were also visited by E-classroom, who generously donated books to Ukhanyo Primary School and spent their 67 minutes reading to the Grade 2 learners. E-classroom seeks to equip learners with educational resources that helps them learn better in the classroom to give them a better chance at success in school. They demonstrated this well with the Grade 2’s at Ukhanyo who enjoyed their story time with the E-classroom team.

Kerry painting at Ukhanyo

Earlier this month we sent out an appeal on social media for help in brightening the Grade R playground at Ukhanyo Primary School which had been recently upgraded. We were thrilled when Kerry Peers responded with the kind offer not only of a donation of paint, but also to volunteer her time in painting the play equipment with bright colours. Thank you Kerry!

Thank you to all those who contributed towards a successful Mandela Day at Masicorp, for the time spent joining us in making a difference for this community, as well as for the wonderful donations which will put to good use within our programmes. 
