Together we can overcome

Together we can overcome

By Vince van der Bijl

The Nike advert is just the fillip that we all need during this time of disruption, racial divide, unhappiness regarding the failed economy and Covid accentuating so much negativity. In a discussion with the coaches, they were so positive about what is possible in Masiphumelele. They kept mentioning gender equality, respect, leadership, social cohesion and setting an example.

This Nike advertisement says so much about how sport can lead the way from the global champions to kids at school. We, together, can really make our environments a better place and embolden the learners to lead great lives.

Standing up for what is right , being aware of what is needed and supporting those around us is the answer to a wonderful life.

Thank you all for supporting the MCC Masi Sports Project. Your support will make it happen.