Make a Monthly Charity Donation with a Difference

Friends of Masicorp

Become a Friend of Masicorp and make an easy monthly charity donation to the most powerful cause of all – education. When Masicorp began its quest, we asked ourselves how can education reduce poverty in South Africa?

Access to free education in South Africa has the potential to bridge the gaps between the myriad of cultures that exist in our special country – ultimately placing South Africa at the forefront of a real rainbow nation.

The Effect of Education on Employment

Education offers people opportunities to uplift themselves and become involved in the world around them. Once people see the benefits of being empowered, they can take a stand within their respective communities and interact with others – creating the type of ripple effect that we hope to have within South Africa.

With a monthly charity donation towards our work, you are helping us unravel a vision that Mandela himself dreamed about while educating himself. Even though his mind was incarcerated his spirit flew free and he dreamed of a South Africa teeming with enlightened people who see a path towards progress and fulfilment for all.

When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.

– Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

Support Masicorp with One Click

There is no greater calling in life than giving of yourself and contributing towards a vision that sparks widespread change. When you visit Masiphumelele, you will witness a vibrant community with unlimited potential. Our new PayFast donation option allows our supporters to give to education in Masiphumelele on an automatic, monthly recurring basis. This means that you only need to register on a once off basis, allowing your monthly gift to work for change in Masi.

By signing up for the Friends of Masicorp monthly charity donation option you are giving education momentum and helping someone progress. Our organisation relies on people like you – your gifts help us continue our work for the community of Masiphumelele.

Your support allows us to plan for future projects and helps us grow as an organisation – uplifting the community and extending support to residents who are unable to access the basic rights that we all take for granted in more advantaged communities.

“Without the support we receive from our Friends of Masicorp, it’s hard to tell what might happen to some of the children whose parents can’t afford to pay their monthly school fees.”

– Doiline Maisiri (Chasmay ECD Principal)

Monthly charity donations fuel our work, but did you know you can do even more? Masicorp is listed on the Woolworths MySchool charities group and you can opt to register us on your MySchool card here.

PS: Friends of Masicorp get access to special bonus features such as the Official Friends of Masicorp Facebook group and a unique Facebook profile picture frame – showing your support for education and the power it yields. Register now and you will receive your welcome pack instantly.