The Latest Masi News – Kholosa’s Story

Our Masi news usually shares stories from our education programmes that make Masicorp unique from other charities in Cape town. The latest instalment of Masi news is slightly different and features a very bubbly, outgoing and forward-thinking young lady – Kholosa Bangani. Kholosa recently joined our team as an intern, she is completing her in-service training with us for her N6 Diploma in Management Assistance and is a wonderful addition to our dynamic team on the ground here in Masiphumelele.

Dedicated to Masi for 23 Years

Masicorp was formed in 1999, with just a handful of volunteers operating out of the boots of their cars and benevolent dreams. The first early childhood development project was spearheaded by founders John and Carol Thompson back in 2001 when they met with Doreen Zanyiwe. The Thompsons saw an article published in the False Bay Echo where Doreen and a group of women had written an article to garner support for projects that they wanted to start.

The women wanted to change their lives on a personal level and make a positive impact in their community. Doreen wanted to build a creche that could care for children and give them a safe space to play, develop and learn. John and Carol naturally set off to meet with Doreen and soon after, Masicorp had transformed her informal structure into a spacious, well-lit, two-story preschool facility that could care for 80 children. Doreen’s creche – Ikhaya Labantwana is still running strong today, even after her retirement.

Kholosa was born in Masi and attended Doreen’s creche from as early as eight months old because both her parents worked long hours to put her and her two siblings through school. Her mother, Nondumiso Bangani Says that Kholosa was very happy to spend her days playing with all her friends at Ikhaya Labantwana. She left the creche in 2006 when she was five years old and started her primary school career at Ukhanyo Primary in 2007.

“Growing up in Masi is not easy because there is a lack of facilities that can support and develop children and no real opportunities for the youth, hence why unemployment is so high”

-Kholosa Bangani

In those days Masicorp had just begun sprouting roots. There were no Learning Labs at Ukhanyo Primary and we had just started to get into the rhythm of the community. Kholosa says that she can see the impact that Masicorp has made over the years. “When I visited the Learning Labs, I was shocked. In my day, maths was so difficult – I was never good at it. The Maths Lab teaches the children maths in a creative way allowing for a fun and positive outlook towards the subject. If I had the opportunity when I was younger, I would grab it with both hands”.

The Office Genie

Kholosa is busy completing her N6 Diploma in Management Assistance through False Bay College. It’s a three-year diploma of which 18 months is theory focused and the other 18 months of the course is practical work. Now, she is completing her in-service training with Masicorp and the entire team is thrilled to have her on board.

Her enthusiasm for the work we do and the role she plays in helping us deliver our education programmes to the many residents of Masiphumelele is warmly welcomed. We are glad to have you with us Kholosa, your bright smile sets the tone for the day and when you walk in and greet us with a sharp “Molweni” we know the day has started.

For more information about our education programmes visit our website, to keep up with the latest Masi news sign up for our blog here or contact us if you would like to get in touch.