How the MCC Masi 750 sports programme has grown since 2017
By Vince van der Bijl
Nceba Jonas was the sole official coach of Ukhanyo Primary School in 2017 – now there are 20 more coaches! 15 coaches were able to attend our celebration lunch at the end of the third term.
The lunch at Café Roux was to thank the coaches, Michael Thyali, the Principal, Milli and Elize of Masicorp for the work done and the progress made. Café Roux is our restaurant of choice – their food and service are outstanding, and they have supported the MCC Masi 750 club since our inception
Chess and cycling are new additions this year to our range of sports and we are hoping to introduce hockey and basketball next year. Then we will consolidate this range for a year or two! We do not want the range to be so wide, we overheat.
The Club has been expanding its reach into the Masiphumelele High School which is very exciting.
Currently, Nceba Jonas and Phila Dlulane (netball), Qhamani Tshambu “Star” (soccer)and Lubabalo Begada “Sidney” (cycling) are doing sterling work in Masi HS every week and the participation numbers are growing.
Through the generous donation by the Rolf-Nussbaum Foundation, a netball court was constructed at Masi HS. This enabled netball practices to be on-site directly after school as well as matches to be held at the school for the first time in many years. The two matches against Perins Community School, UK, were the first to be played on the court.
The Masi HS coaching strategy is to make the transition from the Primary School to the High School as easy and as smooth as possible for the learners. This is being achieved by ensuring that the coaches who coach the Ukhanyo players in Grade 7 the previous year will also coach the under 14/15 Masiphumelele High School teams the following year. That makes the large step into sport in the Masi HS that much more welcoming.
- Nceba and Phila look after the under 13 Ukhanyo and the under14/15 netball squads at Masi HS.
- Star and new coach, Sibulele Mpahlwa “Smooth”, look after the soccer in the same way – and excitingly a girls’ soccer team will be established.
- Sidney will coach the cycling squads in both Ukhanyo and Masi HS with aim of having a team from both schools participating in the Cape Town Cycle Tour.
This is an exciting growth spurt for the MCC Masi 750 Sports Club.
Senior coaches, Nceba Jonas, Teddy Nyali, Fez Payi, and Frank Charlie will soon be completing their one-year online sports management course at eta (SETA accredited, and industry-endorsed). Their already honed coaching skills will now be further enhanced by their increased management and planning abilities learned this year.
All the above will further the purpose of the MCC Masi 750 Club, which is to use sports and life skills (and education via the schools and Masicorp’s interventions) as the vehicle to:
- Help develop stronger and confident learners to make better life choices to be the positive and knowledgeable next SA generation and.
- Assist the integration of all communities in the South Peninsular Valley to create a true Rainbow Nation.
each year brings additional coaches and sports with more teams and matches. Our 2020 vision has doubled so the continued support of donor supporters is so essential.
Please continue your wonderful support.