Gender equity life skills in Masi
Written by Vince van der Bijl.
Life skills is embedded in the coaching process. All our coaches at Ukhanyo PS and Masiphumelele HS have made this a fundamental discipline that drives our passion.
Ukhanyo kids have come after school voluntarily and requested the coaches continue to give them life skills training, even though there is no organized sport allowed for now. A great compliment to the coaches in the work that they do and the values they uphold.
South Africa is infested with Gender Based Violence, the lack of respect women and girls are shown has filtered down through society like the common cold. This has been a focus of discussions and sessions in the last few weeks.
Look at our short video, which will give you a sense of the lack of safety that the women and girls feel within their respective communities. It is a sad reality of South African life and needs to be addressed at an early age.
This video will be sent to the kids and their parents through the schools.