by Megan | Sep 16, 2020 | Community Sport, Education, MCC MASI 750 Sports Club, Primary School
Gender equity life skills in Masi Written by Vince van der Bijl. Life skills is embedded in the coaching process. All our coaches at Ukhanyo PS and Masiphumelele HS have made this a fundamental discipline that drives our passion. Ukhanyo kids have come after school...
by Megan | Aug 18, 2020 | Education, MCC MASI 750 Sports Club, Primary School
Alfred appointed as curator for sport in Masiphumelele By Vince van der Bijl A discussion with John le Roux over the need for proper maintenance of our sporting facilities opened the door for Buyile Alfred Mazosiwe, a founder and player of the Masiphumelele Rugby...
by Megan | May 17, 2020 | Education, MCC MASI 750 Sports Club, Primary School
Teddy Nyali instructs Masi kids in home exercises via Whatsapp By Vince van der Bijl The MCC Masi Sports Project coaches have worked on ways to communicate with the sports kids and their parents isolated in the township to encourage home exercises. The WhatsApp groups...
by Megan | Mar 2, 2020 | Education, MCC MASI 750 Sports Club, Primary School
Sport is a language everyone can understand Written by: Vince Van De Bijl The under 13 cricket team of the Dragon School , Oxford, UK, visited us for the day. We combined two 6-a-side cricket matches at Ukhanyo with a visit to The Hit Poverty for Six, Sixes weekend at...
by Megan | Feb 18, 2020 | Education, MCC MASI 750 Sports Club, Primary School
The excitement of witnessing the sharing of resources and opening up opportunities for all, producing immediate results. Written by Vince van der Bijl The string of gold and silver medals won by the Ukhanyo PS athletes at the Regional South Athletics event, held at...
by NicholasS | Feb 13, 2020 | Education, MCC MASI 750 Sports Club, Primary School
The unique sporting Rainbow Nation project in the Deep South Valley The first sporting event aimed at developing a more integrated, understanding and helping environment in the Deep South was held at Fish Hoek Primary School on 31st January. The purpose of...