Bursary Students Reach the End of the Academic Year
Here in South Africa the academic year has come to an end and that means Masicorp’s bursary students have returned home from their various university residences. We took the opportunity to catch up with some of them at the Galley restaurant in Fish Hoek before they began their summer vacation. For many students a summer break in the Eastern Cape beckons, others have summer jobs that have started almost immediately but most will be spending time catching up with family and friends back in Masiphumelele.
There is a tense fortnight for the first years to wait until December 13th when their second semester results are published. Everyone seemed confident that their courses had gone well and given the excellent progress made earlier this year there is every reason to expect more good results. The courses become more difficult as they move into the second year of study so the summer will be an important time to recharge their batteries.
Many of the established students, who are further into their studies were also able to attend, including fine art student Simphiwe whose artwork we recently featured. It was especially pleasing to also catch up with Ziyanda who completed her Biotechnology degree and graduated a year ago. She is now working as a research assistant in the School of Public Health at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). Located in Belville, it is quite a journey for Ziyanda to undertake with the daily commute by minibus taxi and two trains there and back taking two and half hours each way. That is a measure of the commitment shown not only to complete the course but also to make the best of the opportunity it has offered. She also makes a great role model for the younger students to follow.
Bursary Students Reach the End of the Academic Year — No Comments
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